I have really long naturally curly hair that drags half way down my back with 3 different types of blond highlights, am natural hair color is dark brown. I was thinking of a total change like having chopped of to my sholders, color it black with blue effect and leave it naturally curly or redo my highlights and have it short to my sholders. what do you reckon?
It is becoming a pain having to straighten and blow dry my hair if i want it stright and even that doesnt help when its humid or raining! any advice!
Hair change?
i think changing hairstyles is great. go for it!
Hair change?
i always say a change is good just remebr if you dont like it its only hair and it grows back.go for it
Hair change?
It sounds great as it is - leave it alone! Stop straightening it, you're fighting a loosing battle!
Hair change?
im a hair dresser.i advice you not to die your hair black.if you do it will be very hard to get your blonde colour back if u dnt like it. and if you can cope with your hair short then go for it.dont forget the roots yours girll! they will grow again.!! good luck, just go for a nice brown with a few lowlights bbe. its the best and in styl now
Hair change?
you'd be amazed how sunning natural hair can be, I say if you have curly hair embrace the curl, think of how many people out there that spend hundreds on making their hair curly, and yours does it fo free.
Hair change?
curly hair is great! long curly hair it`s beautiful!!!! And if it`s blonde is the best. Don`t change it!
Hair change?
You should dye your hair back to its natural color and get some soft hightlights and cut. It'll be less maitence and leave it curly. Straighten it once in a while to not damage your hair.
P.S Use a good serum after you wash your hair to define your curls and bring some shine.
Hair change?
keep your natural curls,spend your money on finding something for frizz,my sis has long curly hair and people are constantly complimenting her.....
Hair change?
Go with the curl girl, straight hait is'nt as popular anymore so just try to enhance what you already got, what about a curly bob? I do know what i'm talking about because i have the same hair as you, all my life i've tried to fight it, go to Boots or to your salon and ask which product you can use to stop the frizz and define your curls.
Hair change?
Im just scared that cyprus_gal is a hairdress and can't spell dye correctly!
Hair change?
dye it black an have the blue in.. have it round about your shoulder's that sounds very nice my daughter has just had hers done and it really does look great lots of people are going for different looks now go for it you will be amazed with the result ...good luck with your choose !!!
Hair change?
wow so many girls (and a few blokes) would love your lovely hair did you realise if you do go to get it cut you can get a good price for all that hair a Link t ask is www.dcshairs.com/about.htm.or type in hair for sale and see who is in in the market.i reckon if you fancy i change go for it. after all it will grow back .
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