I introduced myself to this girl 2 days ago. Shes a brunette. Well a day later I saw her and she still has the same hair color, and now today her hair is orange blond. Sigh... some people don't appreciate their natural hair color that makes them more beautiful... I know its not my right to say anything about her choice but I must admit I loved her for being natural. This is a reason why I ignored her today... So what must I do now...?
Thanks for reading.
Why must she change her hair color?
Not all girls need to change their hair color drastically. Ask her why, or mention to her that you really like her natural color. Maybe she'll go back to her natural color. Who knows? Or, she may be trying to make a statement and go against the norm. Then, let her express herself. Then decide if you want to be with a girl with orange blonde hair or not.
Why must she change her hair color?
Girls need a change in their lives at times. If you're not willing to deal with this hair color change, are you going to be able to still like her later on if she changes her mind about what her career will be? Sometimes we just need to shake things up in our lives--nothing wrong with that. If you want a girl who will be the same day after day after day, then look to the more sensible girls.
Why must she change her hair color?
just deal with it
Why must she change her hair color?
Why is her hair color so important to you? I understand the being natural part, but if you're interested in each other, the color of her hair shouldn't have a huge impact on that.
Why must she change her hair color?
She'll probably change it again, maybe many times, so best you know now and make your choice.
Why must she change her hair color?
you know the ironic thing about it is that heaps of girls dye their hair unnatural blonde to get guys to notice them.
many girls just want a change, get sick of the same thing. her friends will probabely end up telling her if it looks horrible, but i doubt it looks bad, just different. you'll probabely get used to it, it would be polite not to say anything bad about it, but if it gets brought up you could say something like 'you look beautiful naturally, you don't need to dye your hair blonde' she will be flattered -- if it is in the right situation. try to not offend her, as things like this can be very delicate if the person in question has low self esteem.
Why must she change her hair color?
What does more important to you? her hair color or what trully she is? You have to know her more about her. Maybe she change it because she change her style or maybe there's a story behind of her changing her hair color. Approach her so you may know why and if you don't ignore your friends then approach...ok?!
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