My hair was brown w/ some old blond highlights. I can't afford hightlights so I used a box of Loreal Preference which was suppose to be golden blond. It is horrible, my hair is orange. Can I recolor it today? I did it last night. If so what should I put on it? My hair is very short and razored at the ends, when I fix it I have to rat the top %26amp; crown cuz it is so straight, the front goes to the left then I tuck behind my ears %26amp; kinda pull the back out w/ wax, then finger piece it %26amp; spray in place. I wanna cry :(
Help my hair is orange, can I recolor it?
Here are things that might happen to you:
1.if you still want blonde hair - go to a salon, because if you try to dye your hair at home AGAIN - you will have a catastrophe.
2. if you dye your orange hair into ash blonde or any ASH haircolor - it will turn GREEN! - so no ash!
3. the best thing you could do (if not going to a salon) - buy haidye in color like dark brown or medium brown (perhaps natural or warm brown - but NOT ASH!) - then your haircolor will look fine. Not golden blonde as you wanted, but normal and not ORANGE!
By the way, Loreal Preference is a great hair dye! Only you chose the wrong shade... ;)
Good luck! And stop crying, just put on a cap and run to buy new hairdye!
Help my hair is orange, can I recolor it?
Yes go to a hair dresses just borrow some money whats worth more, being a bit of money out of hand or looking terrible.
Help my hair is orange, can I recolor it?
Yes, recolor it, but you should use a good dark solid color first!
this will basically eliminate all the orange.
good luck
Help my hair is orange, can I recolor it?
Orange, you say?
That would look COOL!
Help my hair is orange, can I recolor it?
that sometimes happens when people do that.
you could put lemon on the streaks and stand out in the sun,
or, dye it back regular or color strip.
Help my hair is orange, can I recolor it?
if you want to go blonde go to a shop and buy the lightest ash blonde it will take out the orange. if you want to go brown just put any brown on you like.
good luck dnt cry go to the shops now and buy the colour. your hair will only be e bit dry once you put the colour on leave conditioner on for 30 mins xxx
Help my hair is orange, can I recolor it?
if you want to go blonde go to a hairdressers, or buy the lightest ash blonde from a shop, it has 2 be ash though, this will get rid of all the orange, but you have 2 watch it carefully when its on! if you want to go brown all over you can just put on any brown dye. The ends of yr hair mite be a bit dry after so try leavin the conditioner on 4 a while, gd luck
Help my hair is orange, can I recolor it?
You could first try buying a shampoo by Clairol that is called Shimmer Lights. It is used on grey hair or highlights to tone down the brassiness. But don't use it too much or too often as it can turn the scalp and light coloured hair purple. Try it first to see if it will at least tone it down. I do suggest that you go to a hairdresser to have this may make it worse. Sounds like you may need your haircut spruced up a bit so you don't have to work on it as much either. If you feel it necessary to dye it yourself...go to an ash brown it will neutralize the gold that is in your hair now. Be patient and it will take some time to fix things. But, like I said, I hairdresser it your best bet.
Help my hair is orange, can I recolor it?
What happened is that the color you used has a developer that is only 20 volume in strength and it is not strong enough to lighten brown hair to golden blond. The orange color you have now is the underlying pigment of your natural hair color. Natural hair color contains the 3 primary colors: blue, red, and yellow. Dark hair has more blue. Red hair has more red. Blond hair has more yellow. The dark blue is all that the 20 volume developer was strong enough to lift out of your hair. What you need now is to put on a color with an ash base (blue/green) which will neutralize the orange. The problem is without seeing your hair, I cannot tell you what shade or level of ash color to put on your hair. You need to go to a professional so they can see your hair in order to know what color to use to correct this problem.
Help my hair is orange, can I recolor it?
I have this exact problem as we speak. I bought a color that should have gone a LOT blonder than it did.... it was Nice 'n Easy 104 .... instead, my roots and the rest of my hair has a hint of orange in it. Now, I have read a few articles that say this is because I have not left the dye in long enough ( instead of 25 minutes mine was on for like 33) but I don't think this is so. Does anyone out there REALLY know how anyone can get a HOME fix for this without completely killing the hair on our heads?
P.S- my hair was already about halfway between natural dirty-blonde color and the blonde I was trying to achieve...
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