Friday, July 24, 2009

Green hair?

i have dyed blond hair and i swan in a pool and it did not turn green could it steel turn green even if i alrealdy was in water and it did not do anything to it

Green hair?

To help stop this always wet your hair with plain water before you jump into chlorinated water. Your hair has been dried out some with the blond dye and will absorb more water. If there is chlorine in this water then you have the chance of it turning green. If that does happen you can go to your local beauty supply store and get some "Green Out" solution to get it all out.

Green hair?

wait and see what happens then you could dye it again

Green hair?

it's not gonna turn green with just one swim- my hair used to turn green when i was younger- but that was because i practically lived in the pool. Just wash your hair within 1-2 hours of swimming- and if that's not possible, than rinse it with non chlorinated water right after you swim (ie: a hose, spicket, sink, etc.) also i have heard that natural blondes run more of a risk of the green hair, than died blondes. And if worst case scenario- there are special shampoos and hair product that not only strip the green out, but prevent it.- and it's usually only the tips of the hair that turn green- so if you can wash nothing else- at least rinse your tips with a water bottle or something! good luck!

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