Friday, July 24, 2009

Help me decide whether or not to donate my hair.....?

I have the opportunity to donate my hair (dark blond, %26amp; about 10" past my shoulders) to an organization that makes wigs for children undergoing chemo-therapy (Locks of Love). While I know my hair will grow back, %26amp; this should be a "no-brainer" decision, it almost feels like I'm considering having my penis removed -- I'm THAT attached to my hair! Your input will help me decide.

Help me decide whether or not to donate my hair.....?

Please donate your hair. You will be amazed how awesome you feel after doing it!

Help me decide whether or not to donate my hair.....?

Your hair will grow back, the person that gets your hair for a wig may not be able to grow their hair back... ever... you're making life just a bit easier for them. Please do it.

Help me decide whether or not to donate my hair.....?

It will grow back! And it's not like hairstylists will cut it so that you don't like it. Took at some pictures online, and tell them what you want. If the end result isn't exactly what you wanted, go to another salon and tell them what you really wanted. Every time you look in the mirror, you can smile because of your donation to needy kids.

Help me decide whether or not to donate my hair.....?

Awwwww, i think you should do it! That would be such a selfless act for someone to do for cancer patients! And your hair will grow back..I hope you decide to do it!

Help me decide whether or not to donate my hair.....?

I would definitely do it, I'm actually going to donate my hair this summer as well. I've read Locks of Love isn't only for children with cancer but also for those with the disease Alopecia, which causes hairloss for unknown reasons. It's a great cause and just think of how happy these children will be once they receive that wig! Being a child with hairloss can be very damaging to ones self-esteem and they may be bullied because younger children do not always understand serious illnesses and sometimes will be heartless. Be grateful to have your hair too! It may seem like a hard choice at first, but you will come to realize what you did was fantastic. I hope you make the right decision!

Help me decide whether or not to donate my hair.....?

My husbands cousin did it and she felt like she was really helpping a child from having to deal with people staring at them. I have cancer and it sticks when i get my hair cut cause you can see straight to the back of my head. I love my wig because people don't stare. I'm 45 but look younger.Your hair will grow back and you can be proud that you can grow hair and help someone else.

Help me decide whether or not to donate my hair.....?

Having lost my hair due to chemotheraphy I know what it's like to be bald. You may find that you like your hair shorter afterall. it's definitely a lot easier to take care of short hair.

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