Friday, July 24, 2009

I Want Emo Hair :[?

Aight I want sum emoish hair

Im blond, have fairly long hair, its kinda round and i frils out on eh ends of the left side.

I want the whole bangs in one eye thing. I already have emo clothes.

What should I tell the barber?

I Want Emo Hair :[?

Go on this website %26gt;%26gt;

And find a hair cut you want, them show it to the barber. Or just ask him if you can have a side fringe.

I Want Emo Hair :[?

invest in a hair straightener and tell her you want long sidebangs.

I Want Emo Hair :[?

Ugh. Emo.

Tell him you want a loss of depth perception and the inability to see out both eyes.

I Want Emo Hair :[?

no. you dont want emo hair. it doesnt even look good on most emo kids

I Want Emo Hair :[?

are you TRYING to be emo, or ARE you emo? cuz im EMO... my hair doesnt cover my eyes or nuthin, i dont dress steriotypically, so ppl dont believe im emo, but my bestest friends will tell you that im emo, see, maybe its better just ot be who you are and do what YOU wanna do stead of copying other ppl and TRENDS! ...dammit i got a cold...

I Want Emo Hair :[?

new romantic style

I Want Emo Hair :[?

wtf...Why in the ******** world would you what emo hair or clothes


I Want Emo Hair :[?

emo hair is getting annoying. it's supposed to make you be different, but everyone is doing it.

stick with your own hair. -.-

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