Sunday, July 26, 2009

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

i have natural blonde hair with blonder highlights (which i didnt want... thats wat i get for havin my moms friends' daughter do my hair...) but it's thin... not as thin as some peoples hair is but i want my hair to be more full like my moms.

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

Use herbal essences thickening shampoo and conditioner. its great and works for me ;]

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

eat possum 3 times a week

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

there isnt a way to make ur hair thincker sorry hunn

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

When I got pregnant, my hair got incredibly thick. However, I know that this is obnoxious. I think there are certain shampoos that make hair thicker out there.

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

That Pantene Thick and Full shampoo with conditioner works pretty well. I would recommend getting a really good leave-in conditioner as well to keep your hair in good condition. It could just be that you also need to eliminate breakage.

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

maybe start taking vitamin E!!! It helps but on the other side it makes your nails grow fast as hell as well!!

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

Try using Rogaine for women or take prenatal vitamins.

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

Try Big Sexy,or Aussie products.I also have thin hair,and use these products,they really do work.And looks like I have more head of hair.

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

umm use a thickening shampoo by mark anthony, its orange. i used it and it worked.

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

Have A Thorough Head Massage

Is there any way to make your hair thicker?

use garnier fruticis volumizing shampoo.

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