Friday, July 24, 2009

Me and my little sister (shes 12) we want to experiment and make our hair blonder...?

I have three questions .

1. i have heard that soaking your hair in lemon juice and letting it dry in the sun, makes your hair blonder... is this true:?

2. does it damage your hair that much:?

3. how / where /how long/ do you stay in the sun:?

All answers appreciated - thanks alot . PEACE

Me and my little sister (shes 12) we want to experiment and make our hair blonder...?

1. yes

2.use an avocadoe hair conditioner,it replaces oils lost

3. get about 2 lemos(if you have more than shoulder lentgh hair,may take 3 lemos,squeeze lemons in water spray bottle,add just a tiny bit of water and spray away!!!beach,pool,just tanning outside..may take 30 minutes,may take 2 hours,be aware though your hair will stiffen as it dries

and you may want to get a shampoo that fights split ends,if you easily get split ends.

(works on any hair on your body)

Me and my little sister (shes 12) we want to experiment and make our hair blonder...?

Don't do it. Your dna has already been pre-determined.

Stay the way you are, less costly in the pocketbook.

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