Friday, July 24, 2009

OMG HELP! Bleached hair!?

I stupidly dyed my hair a burgundy-ish kind of shade (red basically), knowing full well that red is like THE HARDEST shade to get out of your hair. Anyway, I hated it. I wanted to go blond, so I bleached my hair. The first time I left it on for 45 mins %26amp; it made it fluro orange. That's fine I can get around that. I put olive oil in my hair overnight to keep it moisturized, and then the next day (today) bleached it again to get it to a lighter shade so that I can put a packet hairdye over the top of the bleach to get it a nice colour (done it lots of times). NOW! The problem is, after bleaching it the 2nd time its gone all stringy %26amp; elasticy... like seriously its stretchy.. and its breaking. Is it gonna fall out? I know that i should stay away from the bleach and dye for a while but what do I do to make it normal again?? I can't cut it cos I recently had a haircut %26amp; its already as short as its gonna go! HELP! I'm kinda vain %26amp; I REALLY don't wanna walk around with yellow elastic hair!!

OMG HELP! Bleached hair!?

You might just have to wait this one out and chock this one up as a hard lesson learned.

Sounds like your hair is either going to have major breakage or fall out.

Keep putting olive oil in it at night, to keep it moist, at least.

You might want to go to a beauty supply place, like Sally, and buy a rinse, to cover the bleached area, at least to fool everyone else, if it bothers you too much.

Time is what's going to fix this mess more than anything, though.

In the mean time, try tying colorful (or not) scarves around your head, or wearing cute caps, to cover up, as it grows out.


OMG HELP! Bleached hair!?

Find a hairstylist IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG HELP! Bleached hair!?

Unfortunately you have stepped into the zone of 'WAY TOO BLEACHED HAIR'. Stringy and elastic are good adjectives. This means there is nothing to do but get it off. Sorry. Stay away from the bleach.

OMG HELP! Bleached hair!?

Eat lots of vegatables and biotin.Wash your hair every other day and if you comb your hair while its wet use a comb because wet hair is very weak.Don't put your hair up, and leave it alone for a while.Don't dye your hair anymore.

OMG HELP! Bleached hair!?

Before you go from red to blond, you should go to a salon to strip the red from the hair and then get the SALON to bleach your hair for you because it's way less damaging than doing it yourself at home (if you go to a reputable salon). If you've bleached your hair a ton of times like you said, you're hair is probably really damaged by now so you should use hair treatments and deep condition your hair if you haven't been doing that already, and stop dying your hair for a couple weeks too. I've been professionally bleaching my hair for years and my hair is still healthy; I use Joico K-Pak Hair Reconstructor on the end so my hair a couple times a week (not on my scalp because I find that it makes your scalp oily over time). Good luck!

OMG HELP! Bleached hair!?


OMG HELP! Bleached hair!?

you need to go somewhere and get a really deep protein treatment! there is nothing you can do now and if you don't cut it, it will break off anyways. once it is to that point there is nothing you can do to save it. do not put anymore color on it unless you want to carry it around in your hand instead of on your head! it will only make matters worse and there is no point now, all that will happen is create more problems and now there is nothing for the color to hold to. so, not only is it going to grab the undertone of whatever color you put on it....but the ends will go too dark or not hold any color at all. you need to go get that treatment and talk to that stylist before you do anything yourself. oil will only coat the hair and the molecules are not small enough to penetrate your hair. the protein that you need is not sold even in salons, they are for professional use only! you can over do it with protein too which will cause more breakage.'s all way too complicated for me to tell you everything and you understand what i am telling you....just go to a stylist!

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