Does one look more professional? Which do you find more appealing- natural curls or straightened hair? My hair is blond if that makes a difference. The position is for sales, so appearance probably matters.
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
nothing makes a person look professional enough to grab the job in an interview. straight or curly hair doesn't matter till u have confidence n the right attitude. remember u r not going to apply for a hair-dressers job.
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
straight, curly can come off as flighty
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
I suggest that if your hair aren't super bouncy and curly, it'll be fine to leave them that way and go for the interview. Otherwise, go for straight, it give you a less frilly and more professional look.
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
I say straight also. At least for my hair, when it is curly it is a little more fun, but crazy too, and can get messy quickly. For a professional look I either go just straight or pulled back (my personal fav)
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
tied back is the properway for an interview.
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
Curly. Most people have straight hair, curly hair would help you to stand out and be remembered.
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
I don't think it matters as long as it's neatly combed. I'd personally go with straight hair.
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
Wear your hair how it naturally goes (if it's naturally curly, wear it curly, or if it's naturally straight, wear it straight), just make sure that it is neat and not in your face. Overall appearance (well groomed, clean, neat, professional, good posture, courteous, etc.) will make more of a difference than whether your hair is curly or straight.
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
Depends on the length. Long, straight, blonde hair does not look professional to me unless you are applying to be a surfer chick or work in a health food store. Sorry for the stereotype, but you asked. I would not curl it just for an interview through. I would wear it up or pulled back. French twists or a large braid wrapped or even a bun is nice.
If you hair is short or shoulder length, then either would be fine as long as clean and styled conservatively. Use bobby pins if needed, not little girl bows or clips. If using hair barrettes to hold your hair out of your face, use ones that blend with your haircolor as much as possible.
Here is a link to a "first interview" checklist.
And a whole website devoted to Women job interviews:
This is an odd question, but which would be better for a job interview- wearing my hair curly or straight?
curly would be more appealing if nicely done...
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