Friday, July 24, 2009

When can I redye my hair, and will it fall out?

First time I dyed my hair was December of 2006.

Second time was in February of 2007.

Third time was in August of 2007.

I still have the blond in my hair from dyeing it in August, but I want to dye the blond back to my natural color [black]. My mom said no because it'll fall out, and I'm trying to tell her you only have to wait like 3 months to redye it, and its been I think about 4 or 5? Possibly longer.

So especially for professional hair stylists, will my hair fall out if I dye the blond back to black? My hair was already course as it is, and now it's sort of fried and dried. But I seriously don't think it'll fall out.

So yeah, help would be good.

When can I redye my hair, and will it fall out?

It will not be stressful to your hair like the blond. After you dye your hair black (if you choose to do so) trim the ends and make sure you deep condition (sitting under a dryer, with conditioner in your hair with a shower cap on) it alot to restore your hair, try Redken products, or you may want to do that first to restore your hair and let some of the natural color come back on its own, and then dye it back black. Stay away from anything harsh on your hair if you can, that also helps. Good luck.

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