Friday, July 24, 2009

Hair streaks?? be my hero and answer this question please?

i want to dye my hair black and put blond streaks in it like Miley Cyrus did in her new vid start all over i really like it..but here is the problem i can't find a pic to show my hair heres where u come in

Hair streaks?? be my hero and answer this question please?

go on google and search black hair with blonde streaks!!!

Hair streaks?? be my hero and answer this question please?

i dont think u should dye ur hair to look like a star and depending how old u r u dont want to dye it bc its bad for ur hair. my sis started dying her hair at 14 her is always frizzy and dry and greasy so i would wait.

Hair streaks?? be my hero and answer this question please?

Hair streaks?? be my hero and answer this question please?

There's pics of Miley and other celebs on omg!, couldn't see one with the streaks though, sorry.

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