Friday, July 24, 2009

Whats the best hair color for a girl?

Im a natural dirty blond but I dyed my hair dark brown. and some of the guy like it but others say they liked my hair blond better

Whats the best hair color for a girl?

listen to the others. The some guy probably likes you and is just trying to get you to like him.

Whats the best hair color for a girl?

Natural almost always looks best, but go with what you feel most comfortable with.

Whats the best hair color for a girl?

idk... everyone has diff opinons

but i like brown and blond

Whats the best hair color for a girl?

Natural is better!

Whats the best hair color for a girl?

Black... or auburn!

Whats the best hair color for a girl?

The best color is whatever your natural hair color is.

Whats the best hair color for a girl?

red. hands down. it's hot and sexy.

Whats the best hair color for a girl?

Your natural color is supossed to look best but if you're like me it probabbly is too borring to you. I would pick the color that most compliments your skin tone. if you have more fair skin opt for a lighter shade so that you aren't washed out. Skin that is more tan looks best with darker hair. (dont change your hair color because of someone else, its YOUR hair!) ; )

Whats the best hair color for a girl?

A light brunette/light brow!w/ Carmel highlightes

Whats the best hair color for a girl?

I'm a natural dirty blonde and I think the some other guy is your subconscience, or your mind.

Dirty blonde is the worst color to be born with, trust me, I know. But, there was a reason you were born with it. Your complexion isn't made for dark hair, and maybe you went toooo dark. Here are some things you can do...

dye it or bleach it to your natural color. then dye it brown (not too darK!)

Get lighter highlights in your hair now so you can have lighter hair and it'll grow in nicely.

Go to this website to find out what's good for you.

Anyway, the best color for a girl is what goes with the skin tone. Of course, it's different for everyone.

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